
PG Logo Ambasadorstwa


P&G to największa na świecie firma produkująca towary konsumpcyjne.

MARS Logo Ambasadorstwa


Mars Incorporated is a family business with over a hundred years of history!

MARS Logo Ambasadorstwa


Mars Incorporated jest firmą rodzinną o ponad stuletniej historii!

Enter Design

Enter Design is one of the newest projects organized by our Association. The first edition took place in March 2020.

European BEST Engineering Competition

It is one of the biggest engineering competitions in Europe organized by the Board of European Students of Technology (BEST) in over 30 countries.

The Day with the Employer

It is a meeting of the company with students of the Lodz University of Technology, aimed at bringing the students‘ and business community closer.

BEST Courses

BEST Courses are a multi-day event organized 4 times a year, along with the changing seasons.